
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Man With No Name Once walked Into An Empty Saloon, Squinting His Eyes As Usual.

The roads were empty. These roads weren’t the conventional Thar roads you see in today’s world, these roads were made of mud. When it rained, parts of these roads got slushy, but there was no rain, there was only sun. It was a hot summer afternoon, there weren’t any trees around, the place looked bare, the ground was cracked from constant exposure to heat. It was surprisingly windy, the place was deserted, the flow of wind could be heard, the wind was so hot you could feel the sand stick to your face. All you could see along these roads from top of the cliff was a saloon and an empty horse stable. The place was deserted, it lacked people, plantations and animals. Hyenas sometimes passed through this supposed sub desert, bones of bulls and other herbivores lay here and there, all exposed, no flesh, no skin, all consumed whole by erosion and time. Clouds were a rare phenomenon, and when clouds did appear they would disappear instantly. This place had forgotten what the very anticipation

Sara and Kumar(Not Harold and Kumar)

It was 8:30 in the morning, the room was lit dimly, the sun managed to shine through the hazel colored blinds. Sara woke up to a subtle fragrance of her favourite kind of flowers. She moved to the side of her bed making an effort to reach for the moisture laden bouquet, under all of it was a small piece of paper that read, “Happy Anniversary love. Gone to get eggs, will be back soon!”. Sara chuckled with excitement.  She sat before her portable computer, untangled her earphones and waited for the system to boot. Now with tangle free earphones and a fully booted computer she proceeded to listen to slow jazz while working on her final year thesis. The sound of tapping keys stayed prevalent for about half an hour, the typing halted. Where did he go? The grocery store he frequents is only a few blocks away, she wondered. Sara walked to the door and next to her sandals were her husband’s loafers; she found this uncanny, Kumar and his Loafers were inseparable. Kumar never goes anywhere witho

If you were a dictator of a small country, what crazy dictator things would you do?

The first thing I'd do as a self proclaimed dictator in power in this misogynistic micro sized place for a country would be to give equal rights to women. The people i.e. most of them, now would consider me as a not so crazy dictator, but no, this is where I prove them wrong and show them my true colors. First I’d trash all the fast food shops selling unhealthy/oily burgers, pizzas, sandwiches etc. using my well trusted goons, I’d then put a ban on all use of video games, and then I'd make gymming compulsory to all people above the age of 16. People would now revolt against the new set of rules, they might come in groups and do protests holding all those badly made DIY placards, and to them I say, if you are capable of standing for long hours in the sun walking and power walking in the name of protesting, just so you could continue to eat unhealthy and live unhealthy, you might as well follow my new set of rules.  To those who refuse to obey, i would make it upon myself to appo