If you were a dictator of a small country, what crazy dictator things would you do?

The first thing I'd do as a self proclaimed dictator in power in this misogynistic micro sized place for a country would be to give equal rights to women. The people i.e. most of them, now would consider me as a not so crazy dictator, but no, this is where I prove them wrong and show them my true colors.

First I’d trash all the fast food shops selling unhealthy/oily burgers, pizzas, sandwiches etc. using my well trusted goons, I’d then put a ban on all use of video games, and then I'd make gymming compulsory to all people above the age of 16. People would now revolt against the new set of rules, they might come in groups and do protests holding all those badly made DIY placards, and to them I say, if you are capable of standing for long hours in the sun walking and power walking in the name of protesting, just so you could continue to eat unhealthy and live unhealthy, you might as well follow my new set of rules. 

To those who refuse to obey, i would make it upon myself to appoint them their very own personal fitness trainer and make their life a living hell, no more potato chips, no more carbonated over caffeinated sugary soft drinks, all you’d have now is succulent fruit and vegetable juices with no or very less sugar, protein shakes with raw egg so that every time you look at a floating egg yolk you get reminded of the high protein diet you’ve been on ever since your new dictator came into power, you’d only wish you could be set free from all this misery of sore muscles and monotonous food. 

When my time is over, the whole country would hopefully adapt to my once controversial methods for achieving a healthy mind and body, and if they don’t the chosen one would rise, he would set things right.


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